Reality Checkin

Inspiration for turning off the grind…

We know it’s not the material things, but the relationships and experiences we have that make us happy (it’s science), yet we still desire the latest iPhone and a better car.

We may watch an amazing TED Talk on happiness and vow to change our minds, only to find ourselves day dreaming of material stuff only days later.… Read More


Men: What Do Your Clothes Say About You?

Don’t be Andre…

You already know style isn’t about wearing the “latest and greatest”. You don’t tout your paycheck on your sleeve to impress others. You place comfort and utility above all else. Even so, if you don’t consider some other important factors, you could still end up looking like Andre from The League.… Read More


A Happy Medium for Modern Environmentalists

Finding The Sweet Spot

How do you find that “just right” place between being eco-friendly and living a meaningful life? Some sacrifices are necessary and they can be good for you, but taking it too far can be detrimental to your quality of life. Especially as a conscious consumer, at a certain point our influence can diminish.… Read More


The Real Story On Gum + Eco-Friendly Alternatives

prch Guest Post – This surprisingly interesting post from my colleague at the Ethical Blogger Network will have you thinking twice about gum. You can find the original aticle on

The Sustainability of Chewing Gum – Overview

Your 30 Second Summary

Facts About Gum:

  • Gum’s not a modern invention
    • The Mayans chewed chicle, the sap from the sapodilla tree
    • The Greeks chewed mastiche, from the resin of the mastic tree
  • Gum is the biggest litter issue after cigarette butts
  • The main ingredient in modern gum is polyisobutylene, a synthetic rubber derived from crude oil
  • Goodyear -yes the tire company- is the main manufacturer of gum’s base ingredients
  • Worldwide people chew around 560,000 tons of gum each year
  • London spends £10 million per year cleaning up chewing gum

Sustainable Gum

Chicza is 100% natural and organically certified; it’s also sustainably harvested from the chicozapote tree in the Mayan forest and produced by a consortium of cooperatives under a fair trade scheme.… Read More


Podcasts for Environmentalists & Conscious Consumers

Looking for a new podcast? Here’s a few to try…

Discovering a new podcast can sometimes feel a bit like dating – hours of searching followed by excitement, disappointment, and occasionally the right fit! Sometimes you know it isn’t going to work out right off the bat and other times it may be a slow start to a great relationship.… Read More


The Problem with Fast Fashion

The true cost…

Yes, those cheap trendy tees are too good to be true. Our impulse shopping habits have a bigger impact than we think, so let’s take 3.5 minutes to understand the problem with fast fashion and how we can be part of the solution.… Read More


Made in Vietnam: A Look Inside A Vietnamese Garment Factory

I managed to make my way into a garment factory in Vietnam and this is what I found…

As you would expect, I was pretty shocked. I’ve heard about factories like this and seen images, but nothing prepared me for entering the machine that feeds our consumption – big brand garments being pieced together at an alarming rate in poor conditions.… Read More


Prevent Indecision = Reduce Environmental Footprint

5 practical ways to help with everyday indecision (and reduce your carbon footprint)

You don’t always have to know exactly what you want to squash indecision. Most of the time knowing what you don’t want will work just as well.

My process is simple: narrow down your choices, make a good judgement call, and get on with your life.… Read More